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Ukraine and Russian football clubs brawl in Turkish hotel leaving four with suspected broken bones

The two sides clashed and the police had to be called

A Russian and Ukrainian football team clashed in a hotel in Turkey in astonishing scenes that required the police be called and reportedly left four Russian players with fractured bones.

Ukrainian side FC Minaj and Russian outfit Shinnik Yaroslavl were sharing a hotel in Turkey when the brawl broke out, allegedly over one Russian player being rude towards the cleaning staff in the establishment.

According to reports, ‘one of the Minaj players made a remark to one of the Russians, who behaved inappropriately towards hotel staff The russian was drunk & openly rude The Russian did not apologize & received a punch from the Minaj player’

‘Then the Russian national brought his teammates to deal with the Minaj man… This conversation again led to a fight which Minaj won”

Video has since circulated of a Russian knocked out cold among his teammates.

Meanwhile, Russian media added that “the hotel had to call the police & ambulance service with 4 shinnik yaroslavl players receiving possible fractured bones” as a result of the clash.

“Yesterday, February 13th, a fight took place in the Turkish Royal Sigunas hotel involving FC ‘Minaj’ and representatives of country 404- Yaroslavl Shinnik”

“The cause of the fight was the disgraceful behaviour of the football players of the Russian team towards the hotel employees and provocative shouts towards the players of Minaj”.

“The information from Russian propoganda media about the fact that the players of Minaj forced the Shinnik players to sing the Ukraine national anthem & beat the players in the lift is a traditional delusion. The fight did take place, but already on the floor where the Russians lived and in equal numbers”.

“After the end of the skirmish, when the people of Minaj were in their rooms, the Russians continued fighting among themselves. Those who tried to stop the clash were accused of supporting Ukraine. Local police had to intervene and calm down the Russians.

[Translation courtesy of Zorya Londonsk]


Picture of Ben Browning

Ben Browning

Football writer and analyst. Long-time writer of all things Arsenal and avid watcher of European football. Happy to discuss all things football over on Twitter.

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