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Match Previews

Here at 101 Great Goals we provide regular match previews and free football tips for the all the biggest leagues in European football.

We pride ourselves on previewing every fixture across these leagues online, with a game preview on site 48 hours before a match kicks off.

Whilst reading about the likes of Manchester United, Liverpool or Chelsea is not too hard to find, we preview EVERY league game you care about.

Other Competition Betting Tips

At 101 Great Goals, we cover all the popular football tournaments, including the Premier League, Champions League and beyond. To see all our betting tips and predictions across a variety of different leagues and cups, please visit our football betting tips guide.

On this page you will find articles covering:


Our match previews are created by a dedicated team of writers who will research the form and team news ahead of each game before providing an informed tip for the game, alongside a general match preview. All articles are up 48 hours before a game.
We cover the five main European league – Premier League, La Liga, Ligue 1, Serie A and Bundesliga – as well as the Championship, MLS, Scottish Premiership, Champions League, Europa League, Europa Conference League and international games. We have everything you could ever want.

We have a range of offers available with operators such as bet365, William Hill, 888Sport and Betfred. You can find out more about each of these on our Football Free Bets page.

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